The diamond ring, moments before totality sets in.
1/50s, 640mm f/5.6, Velvia
The onset of totality. Where the photosphere (bright part of the sun) was moments ago, the chromosphere is now visible.
Also, there are many bright coloured spots called prominences visible. The one on the right-hand side is completely detached!
1/800s, 640mm f/5.6, Velvia
A wide-angle shot during totality. That bright blob is actually the corona around the eclipsed sun. Since it is a wide-angle shot with long exposure you can't really see the black shadow in the middle. Also, the sky looks blue but it actually was dark enought to see Venus, Mercury and some stars.
Exposure unknown (probably about 2 or 4s), 24mm f/2.8, Superia 100